BIAS Automated LinkedIn
Lead Generation

Company Profile

Digital BIAS is a Product Marketing Agency with offices in London and Chicago. We work with B2B SaaS and services businesses and support marketing, sales, and product teams across the customer acquisition lifecycle.

Our key focus is reducing friction between tools and data sets, increasing the visibility of your prospects, clients and their behaviours across channels and departments, and underpinning your ability to upsell, cross-sell and land new accounts.



300 leads generated in 8 weeks



60 high-ticket appointments set from generated leads



12 new clients landed from the campaign

The Approach

Our strategy was to avoid getting involved in the mass marketing tactics and go directly to prospects, asking questions and offering advice and guidance on navigating COVID and the implications on their businesses.

We needed to test our theory that, in these market conditions, you need to buck the current trend and do the opposite of what everyone else does.

So we used a white-label LinkedIn tool to sell on LinkedIn, not market. Straight to the point.

We got super tight around our ICP and personas and became direct in asking questions about the current situation and the challenges sales and marketing leaders were facing: their CRM, business reporting, tracking sales activities, understanding what they should be posting on LinkedIn.

These are some of the pain points
 we spoke to when sending direct inbox messaging to prospects on Linkedin.


The campaign was successful. However, we saw a lot of inertia and stagnation of decision-making from the leads tied into the lockdowns at the time. Many companies we spoke to during COVID still haven’t made much progress. 

A lack of investment in digital transformation is likely a significant factor in why many companies still invest in CRM and other essential marketing and sales tools.